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Retrospective January 2017

Slogan of the month: Stop starting and start finishing.

What have I done:

  • Re-created the CoT project portfolio, now in a digital version (experimenting with Excel). It is good for sharing in our digital and distributed working environment, but a bit harder to update.
  • I attended the Bonn Agile Meetup January: “IoT und Bastelprojekte” and talked about my AirQuality Lab project 
  • I attended a lot of Kick-Off-events (unit, department, CoT-team, Service Development team). Some were useful, some had good food.
  • I worked on our first goals for 2017. First results in February 2017.
  • I completed a course on my Coursera data science specialization course (Reproducible research)
  • Watched the NFL playoffs


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