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Category: Agile Software Development

Agile software development, Scrum & Large Scale Agile, Flow

Fridaygram 49/14

My Week in Links [GER] hat eine gute Artikelsammlung zum Thema Docker bereitgestellt. [GER] In sieben Schritten ins Internet der Dinge IMHO a very good and actual  Overview about Industry 4.0 ScrumMasters Should Not Also Be Product Owners. Period. I like this Portfolio Board from Ship It! Go and copy! We have visualized our portfolio in a not so illustrated way and its worth it! Send a JSON object to server over TCP connection in Java using Socket yes, simple stupid java stuff. If you want to move from local Hadoop development to a remote, real life cluster, start and finish in 20 minutes (or so ;) ): Setting up a CDH cluster on Amazon EC2 in less than 20 minutes  Have a nice weekend!

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