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Tag: agile

Review of the Predictive Analytics World Business Conference

Estrel Hotel Berlin
Event Location of Predictive Analytics World Business

The last two days I was at the Predictive Analytics World Business Conference in Berlin. The event happened inside the Estrel Hotel, a nice and good managed location. In the talks of day one, little was in for me. The deep dive tracks were too deep for me. The use case tracks too superficial. At least it looks like presenting companies are using AI/ML in production. This is in contrast to the Industrial Data Science Days in Dortmund earlier this year, where Companies are using AI/ML in scientific PoCs, far from production.

At day two, the talks were much more interesting. My personal highlight was the talk (with the very long title) “Data Science Development Lifecycle – Everyone Talks About It, Nobody Really Knows How to Do It and Everyone Thinks Everyone Else Is Doing It” by Christian Lindenlaub und René Traue. They summarized their learnings from using Scrum and other methods in Machine Learning projects. They showed how to combine different agile methodologies to run successful machine learning + production software projects. Very inspiring for our own projects too.

The following talk “How to Integrate Machine Learning into Serverless Workflows” delivered also some helpful insights for some of Tarent’s current projects.

In the end, a good conference with some points I took home. See you next year? I don’t know yet. We will see.

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Retrospective January 2017

Slogan of the month: Stop starting and start finishing.

What have I done:

  • Re-created the CoT project portfolio, now in a digital version (experimenting with Excel). It is good for sharing in our digital and distributed working environment, but a bit harder to update.
  • I attended the Bonn Agile Meetup January: “IoT und Bastelprojekte” and talked about my AirQuality Lab project 
  • I attended a lot of Kick-Off-events (unit, department, CoT-team, Service Development team). Some were useful, some had good food.
  • I worked on our first goals for 2017. First results in February 2017.
  • I completed a course on my Coursera data science specialization course (Reproducible research)
  • Watched the NFL playoffs


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Fridaygram 03/2015

This is my week in links: maybe I should rename it from fridaygram to something weekly VentureBeat about what to expect next: A cloud platform for the Internet of things. (Can’t wait to launch our work) [GER] German language, but very good article about why a process model (1st level) is the wrong way to use scrum in large projects. It is about more about self-management and self-organisation. Die Skalierung von Scrum ist doch gar nicht das Thema! (Maybe use translated version) A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the Internet of Things Some DevOps stuff from Deutsche Telekom for automatically hardening your server system. It starts with support for Linux OS and some applications MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache and Nginx Just found the UX und Tollerei Blog. Maybe a good UX resource for you: Read the latest issue Learning to Wireframe: 10 Best Practices. A help for every Product Owner or Product…

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Fridaygram 02/2015

These are my last two weeks in Links: and yes, it is delayed a day ;) Johanna Rothman about when to move from Scrum to Kanban (or Iterations to Flow). A nice list of  Internet of Things products Five Tips to Hiring a Generalizing Specialist A good debate about what is needed to start a product MVP and Minimal Indispensable Feature Set Getting RE-TRAINED To Be A ScrumMaster  Sven Pet about what skills a Next-Gen Programmer needs to master What does it take to be a good Scrum Trainer A little bit off topic: A fascinating travel story about a MTB adventure in Peru

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Fridaygram 49/14

My Week in Links [GER] hat eine gute Artikelsammlung zum Thema Docker bereitgestellt. [GER] In sieben Schritten ins Internet der Dinge IMHO a very good and actual  Overview about Industry 4.0 ScrumMasters Should Not Also Be Product Owners. Period. I like this Portfolio Board from Ship It! Go and copy! We have visualized our portfolio in a not so illustrated way and its worth it! Send a JSON object to server over TCP connection in Java using Socket yes, simple stupid java stuff. If you want to move from local Hadoop development to a remote, real life cluster, start and finish in 20 minutes (or so ;) ): Setting up a CDH cluster on Amazon EC2 in less than 20 minutes  Have a nice weekend!

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Googles Innovation Factory (and how testing adapts)

Google's Innovation Factory (and how testing adapts): “ Now that ICST 2010 has concluded, I’m going ahead and posting the keynote paper and the slides. Enjoy! Patrick Copeland Let me know if you have comments or questions. Here’s a link to the paper. They are semi-complimentary. “ (Via Google Testing Blog.)

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