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Tag: bäume

fifty2:sixteen – Green II

A week full of sunshine! Every day, a sunny day. Perfect for outdoor activities and I did so, from Monday till Sunday. As summer is arriving, all the trees are getting green and that is wonderful.

Photography was not priority number one, but I did a couple of shots after I picked up my camera from sensor cleaning. Now I don’t need to clone/repair the dust spots. I still try to get some good focus stacking results, but surprisingly I need to train more and more.s

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As many people have, I have picked some New Years resolutions. As I’m interested in photography but didn’t have shot much in the past two years, I want to do more. I want to do some projects and one of them is a 52-week project. If you’re not familiar with it, it means that I shoot and publish a picture every week for a year. This is just to stick with photography, get some creative mojo and practice the craft. So don’t expect awesome fine-art photos every week.

This is my first photo. The whole week here was mostly overcast, rainy and some winter storms (without snow). One day in the evening on a walk, the sun came out to say goodbye for the day.

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