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Tag: google earth plugin

Snoovel Tour Director Online – Tourdirector tutorial from on Vimeo. Suprise Suprise, the new Snoovel Tour Director is now online (but as a beta ;) ). The Tour Director enable anybody to create guided tour in an easy way, like making movies. Snoovel’s Guided Tours gives you the possibility to tell a story. You can mashup videos, pictures, text and Geo-Stuff from Google Earth – in one window. In my mind it is a very cool feature, better then the tours from Google Earth, because you can assamble a geo-movie with scenes and tours. You can change views and cameramovements with ease. But just try it ->

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Das Google Earth Plugin nun auch für Mac OS X

Nach ein paar Monaten Arbeit und einigen, offensichtlich gelösten Problemen, hat Google das Google Earth Browser Plugin auf den Mac portiert. Der ca. 50MB große Download (Intel und PPC) enpuppt sich als Installationspaket und läuft sehr schön im Firefox 3.

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Snoovel Channel (UPDATE)

Heute haben wir die MySnoovel Channels released. Damit kann man Tracks oder Tours von Snoovel auf seine Webseite einbinden. Hier eine kleine Kostprobe (Leider nur für Windows User :(( ) UPDATE: Danke Google, ab heute auch für Mac User!! :)

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Get terrain altitude of Google Earth with GEP

You can use snoovel to share your tracks with the world. There are two ways to create a track, use a GPS record or create a route manually. For the second way we use a click listener to capture clicks on the globe. A click returns latitude and longitude coordinates, but no altitude value. This is not a big problem to display the route, because you can set “ALTITUDE_MODE_RELATIVE_TO_GROUND”. But we generate an elevation profile based upon the track. Finally we found the method getGroundOverlay in the class GeGlobe. (getGroundOverlay) Returns the altitude for a given location on the globe. If the altitude data for the location has not yet been loaded, the return value is 0. This method delivers us the altitude values, fine. I’m not an expert of law and the TOS of the API, but this is in my mind a way to scan an area and…

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