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Tag: retrospective

Retrospective 12/2017 & Year Review 2017

Retrospective 2017

Happy New Year 2018! I hope everybody had a vibrant start to the new year. Like the end of last year, I updated my goals and set up new goals for 2018 in the last days. As usual, the main problem is the lack of time. Here and there are some possible obstacles in sight, but to achieve all I want to do I need more time. You know? At least with my (new) job with the Edge Computing, I can enjoy technology & programming again. I hope you will stay with me the next year. I plan some more blog posts about the Edge stuff. But, I won’t promise anything, because, you know… procrastinating and so on. But let me recap:

What have I done in December

  • finalized projects for CoT – there are some nice updates in the pipe for early 2018
  • completed my overall 2017 cycling goal
  • started my first experiments on the DT edge computing platform – I’m
  • submitted a proposal for buildingIoT 2018
  • preparations for MWC 2018
  • Christmas shopping ordering


  • maybe I should take more pictures again
  • it needs a clear definition of Fog and Edge Computing
  • these books don’t write themselves
  • this could be a sustainable business…



Recap of 2017

Let me start off by thanking everybody who was with me in 2017 and for all your support!

  • Business: in 2017, there were more up’s and down’s than usual. But since Cloud of Things was migrated to our superior hosting partner, we had an uptime of 100%. Since then we had a dry period. Some maintenance and organizational changes, but no surprises. The numbers were sophisticating. In the second half, there was a hard time. Setting up new initiatives but still, do the right things.
  • Private goals: there are some checked and a few missed goals. Checked? Definitely sports
Veloviewer Infographic of my activities in 2017

Let’s start strong in 2018 and thank you for being here!

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Retrospective 11/17

Retropective-11-17 - Chris Lawton

A lot happened in the past months. There was a big change in the company regarding IoT. A re-organization, new goals, a broader approach to the market. With little free time, I couldn’t manage to write about the details, I just tweeted about short stuff. But now, by the end of the year, I find time to write some updates.

What have I done:

  • managed, managed and managed – less real work
  • we released version 1.0 of the Cloud of Things developer SDK
  • I voted in the general election
  • changed my job – more on this in another post
  • starting development of some features on Cloud of Things and
  • start writing a book


  • about platform strategy, technology development
  • much about my job and what I want to do
  • (1 try) change it, (2) leave it, love it
  • how to live more healthy and mindful
  • write a book!


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Retrospective Q1/2017

What have I done:

  • The first quarter was much about migration from OpenShift PaaS to IaaS operating platform. We migrated all existing staging and production environments, with all customer data. A simple lesson learned: doing something over and over again trains you and you can perform much better if it counts.
  • In March Cloud of Things Starter Kit was launched.
  • Offsite, Offsite, Offsite. The growing demand of leaving the office building to getting to know each other, re-organize work and getting things done looks like an anti-pattern of work culture.
  • Late start of training for the upcoming MTB season.
  • Started programming an iOS App to refresh my developer skills.
  • Thought about some blog posts, but deleted them again. Some things should be untold.


  • SMART defined goals are key.
  • Visualize your work.
  • Stop arguing about tools, start using one of them!
  • If you have more meetings than working hours a day, something is wrong.
  • Do you even have a target picture, bro?


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Retrospective January 2017

Slogan of the month: Stop starting and start finishing.

What have I done:

  • Re-created the CoT project portfolio, now in a digital version (experimenting with Excel). It is good for sharing in our digital and distributed working environment, but a bit harder to update.
  • I attended the Bonn Agile Meetup January: “IoT und Bastelprojekte” and talked about my AirQuality Lab project 
  • I attended a lot of Kick-Off-events (unit, department, CoT-team, Service Development team). Some were useful, some had good food.
  • I worked on our first goals for 2017. First results in February 2017.
  • I completed a course on my Coursera data science specialization course (Reproducible research)
  • Watched the NFL playoffs


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Retrospective December 2016

Slogan of the month: The intellectual capital of your business has two legs and walks home every day.

What have I done:

  • Had nice workshops at Fraunhofer Institute for Big Data Analytics
  • Successfully finished hard work on a internal data center migration with the Cloud of Things team
  • Planted the seeds for the hosting quality improvements
  • Worked on the performance of my blog. Improved site performance by 40%. PHP upgrade to v7 was the most gain. Performance could be better but for my kind of hosting it’s very good.
  • Designed strategy, corner milestones and goals for 2017
  • Prepared my talk for Bonn Agile Meetup January: IoT und Bastelprojekte (more on this later in this blog)
  • Enjoyed Christmas and New Year’s Eve vacation

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Retrospective November 2016

img_2743Slogan of the month: What you see is not always what you get

What have I done:

  • Worked on the Cloud of Things Java Rest SDK
  • Been happy to be ranked as a leader in the magic quadrant in Gartner Report of “Managed M2M Services
  • Shook my head about the president election in the USA.
  • Proceed in my study of Data Science
  • Worked on the strategy & goals for 2017’s Cloud of Things
  • Worked on NB-IoT integration


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A short recap of the missing half of 2016

This is a dirt bike!
This is a dirt bike!

Maybe you are a regular reader of my blog. By regular I mean at least once a year or so. ;-) If so, you may have noticed the last half of the year this blog was more or less abandoned. But this was not because nothing happened. It happened so much that I didn’t find the time to write. A common thing I’m sure you know about. But was going on? 

I took part in two Enduro Mountain Bike races. It was such a great experience. I got much impressions, learned to handle my bike in deep mud. Okay, I don’t got it, I crashed several times. I got a glimpse of what it means to be constant during a season. Daily training eats up your time, that’s for sure. Keeping up the motivation after three months was too hard for me. Results? I don’t want to talk about ;-), but I had great fun at the races and that’s what counts for me.

I have married! As usual, I keep the private things private on this blog. I decided to take over my wife’s surname. I updated this site domain, so please update your bookmarks, RSS readers, etc. to for best reading experience.

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Retrospective February 2016


Favorite slogan: So we are doomed!

What have I done:

  • Worked hard on launching new Cloud of Things Features: New Cockpit App is out!
  • Wonder how someone can setup a MongoDB Docker Cluster without persistence!?
  • Coded on some Cloud of Things API and Client stuff Had a new record on contributing code to Github: Longest streak 7 days
    January 30 – February 5.
  • Updating servers for glibc vulnerability.
  • Start planning for big CoT team ramp-up. Scale from one to four teams in one month. Big experiment.
  • Had a week of vacation. Practiced not to work. Successful.
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Retrospective January 2016

Favorite slogan: You want to get things done, not building an inventory of unfinished work!

What have I done:

  • Kicked of the first quarter 2016 with hard deadlines for Cloud of Things (watch out for CeBIT)
  • Had some weekend & night shifts because of service outages of Cloud of Things. Turned out that a Gelf4J appender for Graylog caused the issues.
  • Started to play with JavaFX and build a Cloud of Things Genius Client for testing purposes on CoT. (Thanks code.makery for this helpful JavaFX tutorial)
  • Did a talk on our Deutsche Telekom M2M Day 2016
  • I have a new record on contributing to Github



PS: A new try to give a regular update on this blog. Last year I tried a weekly recap, didn’t worked out. But I’m pretty sure that this will work ;-)

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